Sunday 8 September 2013

10 Crazy and Weird Uses of Smartphones

When buying a smartphone, almost all people have uses such as making calls, surfing the Web, taking photos, watching movies, shooting videos, listening to music and updating social network statuses in mind. However, the introduction of smartphones has seen tremendous increase in creativity with the use of these devices. Here are 10 weird uses of smartphones you might have not known yet.
Weird Uses of Smartphones

1.    Measure Heart Rate
No more measuring and guessing your heart rate using two fingers. Smartphones can now do that for you, thanks to Azumio’s Instant Heart Rate app. By simply placing your finger on the screen of your smartphone for a couple of seconds, you will know your heart rate. You can share that data on Twitter and Facebook too. Now isn’t that one of the weird uses of smartphones?

2.    Checking How Much Time You Waste
This can simply be done by monitoring how you use your time, but there is now a creative way of doing that – and it’s weird. Hold On is an app that needs just a finger on your screen when you are idle to determine how much time you waste. Just Hold On, and you’ll realize it is among those weird uses of smartphones you did not know.

3.    Mock Drinking
Designed to give those who love smuggling “outside beverages” into movies and stadiums, iBeer is used as an intriguing virtual refreshment that proves to be almost meaningless. Its animation of a hopped beverage is only short of the inebriation and pesky flavor associated with drinking. When I first saw this app, I noted that there are more weird uses of smartphones coming up every day.

4.    TV Remote
With the list of weird uses of smartphones keeps on growing every day, there is now a new remote in town. TV remotes have a habit of getting lost under the couch. But now there is an alternative – your smartphone. Smartphone apps have been developed that, when downloaded and installed, can turn a smartphone into something that controls what shows on the television. Boxee Wifi Remote App, Official XBMC Remote and Roku Remote App are a few examples.

5.    Mirrors

There is one thing about smartphones – their screens. Clean and reflective, the screens of smartphones are commonly used as mirrors. What about in the dark? Mobile smartphones with flashlight are used by simply shooting a photo in the dark and looking at the photo. The first part isn’t weird enough for me, but the second part; I bet it makes the list of the weird uses of smartphones.

6.    Keeping Tabs on Earthquakes           
Again, the weird uses of smartphones somehow make anyone into anything. No need for advanced knowledge in geophysics, there is an app for monitoring earthquakes now. iShake is an app developed by Berkeley to measure the intensity of earthquakes using accelerometers installed in these devices.
7.    Irritating Teens

All sorts of phones plus teens can be irksome, but mobile smartphones can be utilized in a different way to annoy teenagers too. When these youngsters annoy with their hip-hop ringtones and non-stop texting, you can annoy them back using the Annoy-a-Teen app. Go have your vengeance on them today - yet another of the weird uses of smartphones.

8.    Blowing Out Candles
While phones are thought of as gadgets operable only in digital environments, smartphones defy that and Blower is an app that proves just how a smartphone can blow out candles. It simply turns the speaker of your phone into a personal fan. What again? Yes, weird enough – blowing out candles using your smartphone is just one of the crazy uses of smartphones I have never imagined of.

9.    Digital Tape Measure
Most people do not own tape measures, but time and again they find themselves in need of measuring something. Smartphones can now do the job. GPS Tape Measure is one of the apps that turn these gadgets into tape measures. Do you find this a part of the weird uses of smartphones? Somehow I do.

10. Control Light Bulbs from Afar
Philips Hue is the smart software technology behind this luxury of adjusting the color of light bulbs remotely using your smartphone. It works via Wi-Fi and can remotely turn off lights too so you can look like you are at home when in real sense you are still in the office.

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