Sunday 29 September 2013

Intel invests in Google Glass rival

Intel has reportedly announced a significant investment in Google Glass rivalRecon Instruments, in a bid to enter the wearable computing market.

Intel said that the investment will help fund Recon's product development, marketing and global sales  expansion and will also benefit from Canadian firm's  expertise in manufacturing, operations and technology.

General Manager of New Devices Group at Intel, Mike Bell said that Recon Instruments shows compelling technology and a solid strategy to capitalize on the wearable revolution, CNet reports.

As the wearable computing industry is growing rapidly with companies like Apple and Google developing smart gadgets, Intel needs to keep pace with rival ARM, which is the de facto standard for silicon in small devices. 

According to the report, Recon Instruments is a leader in heads-up displays for sports, including products like the Reconjet and has shipped more than 50,000 heads-up displays worldwide, including a successful campaign in Apple retail stores. The terms or amount of the investment have not been released by any of the companies.

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